Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bakery Breads Made Easy

In this week’s cooking class we made artisan breads and pizza from a no-knead dough.  I first learned of this technique from the book, “Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day” by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoë Francois.  I checked it out from the library and loved the simple and delicious breads in it, but didn’t bake them very often because I don’t like using white flour.  Lucky for me, their second book came out last year, called “Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day.  I love this book!  All of the recipes used for the cooking class came from this book, but there are other cookbooks out there with similar bread-making techniques.  Look for “Kneadlessly Simple” or “My Bread” if you’d like to experiment further.  Here are some links to more information.  I’d especially recommend the tutorial video if you missed my class—it helps to watch someone (in this case, the authors of the book) mix and shape the dough.  All of the recipes that I made for the class are on this blog—just scroll down.  Happy baking!
Kneadlessly Simple Multigrain Bread
No-Knead Bread (from New York Times)
Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day
Artisan Bread Tutorial Video
No-Knead 100% Whole Wheat Bread


Anonymous said...

I love homemade bread. I'm just starting to try my hand at it though. I had a friend suggest a bread machine. :) Love your recipes for all the variations here... what an awesome class!

Maris said...

I love homemade bread and I love Jeff and Zoe! Thanks for sharing.

Trainer Momma said...

That's it. I'm getting this book. I've seen others use it over and over -- but you've put me over the edge. Plus, the kids are out of school all day and I've got to do some online shopping just to keep me sane.